April 25 2011
Five classes of dairy cows are featured on the covers of our January through March 10 issues, representing five of the dairy breeds. Click the cover image to see the official placing for the class, the...
April 25 2011
I place this great class of Jersey cows that show tremendous dairyness and breed character, C D A B. I find C excels D in length of neck and width of her chest. She is a much longer and more balanced cow...
April 25 2011
I place this class of Milking Shorthorn cows C D B A. C puts it all together. She is deeper in the heart and more open in her fore and rear rib than D. In addition, C has that nice snug fore udder and...
April 25 2011
I place this class of Holstein cows C B A D. C sorts to the top of the class with her overall advantage in dairy character, straightness of lines and correctness of mammary system. C uses her advantage...
April 25 2011
2011 Cow Judging Contest Placings Click to download the two page pdf in the publication To see the photos of the cows and the reasons on our website, click here
April 25 2011
I placed this outstanding group of Guernsey cows C D B A. C moves to the top of this class with her winning combination of angularity, strength, and soundness of udder attachments. In my top pair, C places...
April 25 2011
I place this class of Brown Swiss cows B A C D. I found a handy winner in B as she exhibits so much style and balance. B places over A for her tremendous advantage in her mammary system, being higher and...
April 13 2011
Handy Hint: April 25, 2011 Pipeline notes status of cow Flowerbrook Farm in Hamburg, Minn., has created a way to mark cows in their tie stall barn that need extra attention or should not be milked. After...
April 11 2011
The April sire evaluations are ready for your review. We have created lists for all seven breeds. In the Holsteins, the Top 100 bulls for Net Merit are listed. All bulls must be in the top 40 percentile...
April 10 2011
Eight All American nominees in contest Two Grand Champions, one Reserve Grand of World Dairy Expo's junior show anchor 81st cow judging contest. The quality runs deep in the 81st Hoard's Dairyman Cow Judging...
March 31 2011
Handy Hint: April 10, 2011 Plywood, nails, and tags track calves We found it difficult to tell employees which calves to feed, what type of milk, and how many times a day to feed each calf. Our solution...
March 15 2011
Handy Hint: March 25, 2011 Dishwater rack screens water We always had problems with twine getting into sump pumps. We then started thinking of a way to make a sturdy filter that wouldn't easily clog but...
March 8 2011
Handy Hint: March 10, 2011 Cable prevents cows from getting caught in stalls After constructing their recent free stall barn, Jay and Amy Krahn of Brillion, Wis., advised their builder to include a cable...
Feb. 21 2011
Handy Hint: February 25, 2011 They use silo to store wheat straw The Krahn Family of Brillion, Wis., uses wheat straw for bedding. "As our herd grew, getting enough straw blown into the old tie stall barn...
Jan. 26 2011
Handy Hint: February 10, 2011 Screen Protects Truck Since the farm truck at the Steve and Carl Ayers Family farm in Perryville, Ohio, goes through many crossing guard gates, they added a frame around the...
Jan. 12 2011
Handy Hint: January 25, 2011 Bracket keeps ball hitch handy Never look for the ball again. I took a piece of angle iron and bolted it to the cage of my skid loader. That way whenever I need the ball to...
Jan. 5 2011
Handy Hint: January 10, 2011 Wire stops for calf hutches We found that filling discarded 15-gallon soap containers with a little sand makes for great stops for calf hutches. They can easily be cleaned,...
Jan. 4 2011
Just one hour. That's all it will take for you to participate in the new Hoard's Dairyman monthly webinar series starting next Monday, January 10, at noon, central time. And you won't have to go any further...